Join me (@tstrome) on October 17, 1:00pm EST as I engage with experts from KLAS (@JoeV_KLAS) and Health Data Management magazine (@HDMmagazine) in a Tweetchat about healthcare BI and analytics. You can follow this discussion using hashcode #HITBI.
The main topics scheduled for discussion include:
- T1: What’s more important in analytics and BI: clinical, operational, research, financial?
- T2: What really is big data? What are the challenges/opportunities in healthcare?
- T3: How do we get users more involved/engaged with healthcare BI/BA?
- T4: What is the impact of regulation/ meaningful use on the need for data/ business intelligence?
- T5: What is the future of healthcare analytics?
I’m hoping you’ll be able to join us on October 17th for what I am sure will be an entertaining and educational discussion! Remember, you can follow this discussion using hashcode #HITBI.
For more information, visit the KLAS website featuring this event.
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